2023 Holiday Gift Guide for Travelers

I’m a big fan of the “you don’t need more stuff” philosophy. I have everything I need, and a good portion of the things I want. I no longer feel that “things” define who I am, my values, or my worth.

Over the last year or so, we’ve been trying to take more things out of the house than bring into it. We haven’t always been successful, but we’ve definitely cut down our conspicuous over-consumption.

So why, you might be asking yourself, is a Holiday Gift Guide appearing on Traveling with MJ?

Fair question.

This holiday gift guide represents goods and services that I use regularly, with a few that are currently on my personal shopping list. It represents a mix of needs, wants, and splurges. These are things that make my business, travel, and home life simpler, easier, better.

Any item on this gift list is one that I would love to receive, and although many are travel-oriented, there are solid choices for the armchair traveler as well.

I pass the list on to like-minded readers because I think you will appreciate these items as much as I do. I’ve focused on practicality – these are items I use.

Most of the items on this list are VERY affordable, most priced under $100 and many under $15. There are a few outlying splurges, of course, but the items on this list won’t break the bank – you’ll still have lots of travel budget left.

Most of these products may be offered on some sort of Black Friday sale. It’s impossible for me to keep up on all the sales, price discounts, and applicable dates. Do your due diligence – check to see what’s offered from various websites and stores, compare return policies, and make the decision that’s right for you.

Note: Many of the items in this list include affiliate links. This means that if you use the link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission (and I do mean small). Using these links is one way to support a small business.

2023 Holiday Gift Guide

The best gifts are always experiences and time. But if you're looking for something tangible for under the tree, take a look at this list of gifts suitable for the travelers in your life.

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